How would you rate your Social Media Expertise?

With this extra time at home, I’ve taken advantage of the variety of educational opportunities that people or groups have been offering. It has rekindled my thirst for information and learning, and I’ve used this rare opportunity to advance my skills. I’ve attended numerous online lectures in technology, leadership, and social media.

In fact, I thought I was doing pretty well with my social media, when something significant happened in my business, I would post to my blog and my social media accounts. I would post when I finished a new website or attended a BNI Meeting, but I knew I could definitely do more with it.

Jonathan Howard from Success on Social, introduced several new concepts related to Social Media, including telling my story, focusing on my “WHY” which translates into “why do you do what you do”. By incorporating your unique story into your social media it allows people to connect with you and understand why you have your business.

As a new graduate of Jonathan Howard’s Success on Social Media Class, I am now equipped with the 9 Essential Posts, his strategy for navigating the world of HASHTAGS and much, much more. He has given me the tools I need to formulate my plan and opened my eyes to the content around me. I’ve also found that the more I focus on it the easier it gets. My social media is not where I want it to be yet, but now have a plan to conquer it. Thank you Jonathan.

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